
the mind bodyand soul osscilate when we are born

from attention on it self to other buildings parks

to concentrating on the stars

most of us are in the middle

the small neighborhoods in the city

however at work eoften think of our wives or husbands

so much varities of buildings and trees

our concentration wlking down a street attatches sometimes to brighter lights like moths minds

we have the ability to osscilate in our minds and souls  from onecelled organisims to the universe

you become part of amovies spirit ofscreen and projector

yuorind body and soul becomepart of it

the spirit of the molecules inside your t.v sect

secret messages

if we are not aware of perceivig something or participating it exists in our imagination

we can be aware of peopleand things that dont exist as we define existence

like a singer dead or movie actor seems real ont,v, and memories

radio and t.v electronics distorts like aseive like searching for gold

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