A Letter Addressed to Me

I was reading my mail,

when a letter fell,

From 1st private Joseph Lee,

I shock the ones around me did see.

He was writing in his free time,

A letter for his main line,

A note of no regret

or sympathy.

I tried to shake myself,

Of the words in army ink,

Of how he missed me,

Of me how he'd often think.

I for once was ashamed of myself,

How I could be hugged up to some else,

Even though me and Lee weren't together,

I found his heart tore from weather.

He had promised his heart,

All I could promise was a reply,

As I tried to think of him,

I wiped a tear drop from my eye.

He often reminded me,

Of some old country song,

When the girl moved on,

But the guy lingered on.

And at the end of every story,

She'd come crawling back home,

And with open arms he'd take her,

But what they are wrong.

What if this time I am happy,

When I met some other book,

And I close Joseph's chapter,

But he'd clam my heart as took.

What if he can't move on,

As I become another open story,

Will his life be addressed to me,

Will he think of me in glory.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this about my ex-boyfriend Joseph. Mixed feelings. Very mixed

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