The Distance Between Two Points Increases Over Time

Stretching from three minutes 

to thirty 

to three hundred 

to three thousand.  

Minutes to moments to miles, 

and if a feeling is a mile a minute, 

there are millions to travel.  

Luck has nothing to do with it, 

and neither does courage

because sometimes, the minutes and miles 

fold back upon each other 

to bring about a new journey 

a new feeling 

and a new minute 

that resembles one already past.  

Time pulses expand and contract the feelings 

while traveling 

and hoping 

and wishing 

for distances to close or widen 

and heart beats cover more ground 

than empty words and moments.  

Happiness collides over cities never visited 

and dreams never realized.  

Lapses in dreams occur 

as the distance and time come back

in full force 

adding something new to the equation.  

Clocks tick and the earth spins 

sometimes in unison, 

but often not, 

with the feelings ever had

or spoken

or sung.  

The heavens remain constant, 

watching over the earth 

as it spins hearts together 

and bodies farther apart.  

People come and people go 

to different places and futures, 

leaving impressions and words of advice.  

Thousands of moments away,

a bird chirps to awaken a new evening 

and hundreds of moments away she sings good morning.  

one person stays in the same place 

the whole time 

while everything drifts around at the the speed of light 

and as the time and the distance come closer, 

one person stays in the same place.  

it’s a dance of the earth and sky, 

a sound of laughter caught on the breeze 

traveling for one person to the places never been 

and the moments too close to home.  

memories travel the country 

in someone else’s brain 

so one person in the same place can feel well-travelled.  

space plays a joke and time has a happy ending 

and changes to re-do 

what’s been undone in the wake of distance.  

so when it all gets further away 

its still so close and opening up 

new worlds and new places.  

Life moves on the way it should 

and secret waiting occurs, 

while secret plans formulate, 

no matter what the consequence.  

Hopeful thoughts toy with the idea of reality 

and harmony with the chime of the hour and mile.  

quickly sometimes, the time rushes back 

through the mountains of moments 

etching a canyon for love and the reality of others, 

a beatiful rocky nest for beautiful soft things

like birds and flowers and smiles.  

bits of heaven and real life fill the cracks left behind 

when the mountains move and freeze over 

as they pass like icebergs contracting the distance 

and numbing the time.  

and three thousand miles turn to three minutes 

left to fill the pages of hearts wandering foreign lands.  

home is closer, 

and farther away 

and life is calling out a siren song 

carrying one person in its ebb and flow.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written October 6, 2010

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