Morning Watch

Like the lone chair at the end of a long dock,

I am yours to forever lounge with.

I will share everything in sight with you until the end of days.

The sea that has wound itself in our midst is a mere fraction of what we will see together.

We will share the sunrise, ablaze with fiery reds and oranges,

Reflecting off the pale murky green that trembles below our feet.

Our days shall be spent in a seaside boat,

Playing hooky from the real world, our own secret hideaway.

It shall be our splendor.

we shall ride the sparkling night sky as we would a roller coaster of sorts.

Bumping, jumping, gliding, we will experience it all as if it were our own blanket of stars.

Concealed from the world, our own map of the heavens.

Giving us eternity to explore the depths of anywhere.

We could stay in this haven forever,

And that’s exactly what we shall do for the rest of our days.

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