#74- "Bitter"

two nights here,

two night there,

tell me to Fuck Off,

yeah, well i Hate you too, Dear.

you Love her more

and Hate me more

and she's the closet Thing to a Girlfriend you've got.

i'm worth Nothing to you,

just a Toy;

one of those 'i'll pretend to Care-

i'll pretend to like you on a good day-

i'll sleep with you when i'm not Busy with her-


i'm just /sooo/ glad you feel so Strongly about me.

/sooo/ glad i'm Worth It to you.

/sooo/ glad you'd Drop me like a Used tissue.


you know, Thanks, for always choosing her over me,

because you know, it makes me feel Just Wonderful inside,

right here, in my Heart.

i just Love this feeling.  

it's nice to know i'm the first one you'll Drop,

nice to know that i'll be the first told to Leave.

funny, you've done it before, more than once.

and yet, i'm still here, Waiting.

waiting to be Tossed Aside for something better,

waiting to be Broken Again.

sitting here, a doormat-tail between the legs-foolishly hopeful-lost-alone-confused-puppy.

i'm just /sooo/ glad you take such Pleasure in hurting me.

at least you can do something deliberately and clear cut,

but for gods' sake, go hurt somebody else for a change.

haven't you had enough of tearing me Apart?

of tearing me Open?

of finding out my Wants, Passions,

Dreams, Desires and ripping them to Shreds

until there's not a shard of hope left?

aren't you done yet?  

ready to Drop Me?

ready to Give Up?


thanks for all that you've done.

i hope you thought it through.

i hope it was worth it.

Check please?

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