I was tangled there, among the peaks,
where every savage bounty was...
In my vines for bounding down, I
took a breath and stared ahead;
sure I'd been, and certain then
of my impending death.
The terms of which I hadn't met --
I'd only thought of you, or rather,
the better you that should have been,
or hadn't been in my subconscious...
I couldn't be sure which.
As the gleaming blades were drawn
and fell to my eye-level, they
could not help but hesitate
because my eyes were swimming.
I'd journeyed further than I'd thought
was wise for someone feeling like
a corner in an abandoned maze
with crumbs of bread gone moldy
leading to my weathered husk
that was never held by chains.
And here I thought, in this refrain,
before my blood is spilt and laid
in patterns pooling 'neath my corpse
while my corpse is on parade...
There always was a catch.