Gravity Push

On a road so paved with worry

We see small men who choose to hurry

Detaching from the vows alike

Parting with their stable minds

And on their part we feel some pity

As if they cannot choose

To blend with streets and bustle on

To break upon the face of dawn

Told to reach or to aspire

Risen ranks with meat for hire

And granting wishes for and from

Those beyond beneath the thumb

But I say nay and scramble up

Stand upon the piled luck

For I will speak and soon be taken!

As not a child who is mistaken

If I think it, waves will rise

Space will rocket down the sky!

Gravity will breathe through me

And I will be triumphantly!

The world by then growing weary

Of stars that try to gather light

Eventual blink, trying to sink

As I try to become complete

And I float, above the blue

That's burning black and bubbling

As I've kept myself awake so long

I'm feeling like a vague response

Placed between the dirt and moon

I'm pulled like a man asunder

But a boy standing, tired eyes demanding

I feel a set of doze commanding

So I descend to snooze a bit

Not to those, I shan't retire

Simply napping, Z dispatching

I will return for a word worth catching

Yet until, the hero rests

A kid who's yet to fight against

With all potential so not unsteady

He'll ascend when he's good and ready.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

He's a champion.

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