Center of the Innerverse

Polishing my atmosphere

With the clutter of the culture

And binding all my attributes

With the wonder of another,

I struggle in eternal grinding gears

To build a steady center.

Despite my ever constant falling flat

And the rows of rail spikes in my back

The loose and shaking bits of crystal

That glitter beneath my cynicism

They never seem to lose their luster.

But I find them hard to pick and choose

As my logic fights to dull them down

I know of pain and monotonous nothings

And I relate to each of them closely

That I hurt my chance to be so good

To turn to something bright and well

Find my health, travel far

And learn that life has truth to offer

Someone like me, without a core

To an innerverse in quiet, subtle, ruin

And to someone, or something

That can provide a center to my gravity.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

What should I call myself?

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