Considered a thinker, betrayed by his tomes
A lack of genuine wisdom keeps him at bay
The state of mind that clusters him is bitter
And rarely allows for much to occur
Or for any progress to be made within his universe
To understand his place, his potentials
The world that he has no control over whatsoever
Seems to elude him in every aspect of life
The scanning of the word is the emptying of the head
The attempts to reach out is the affirmation of his monotony
And the hollow flow of language is somehow outside himself
He exists but does not understand why, and wishes to
But he simply doesn't feel able to comprehend,
or maybe even apply himself to understand and commit to memory
All this madness, the world offers it, urges us to strive
Some fight, some slide into contented nothingness
And we all end in the same way, with similar consequences
With little to show outside of a handful of overdue notices
Fight for happiness, die for love, live to rebel
And learn to absorb the limitlessness of our world
Maybe even do something with yourself
Promoting change
Hindering change
Lingering because of something outrageous
Extraordinary for all intensive purposes
Within the realms of society that are accepted,
or will be accepted within the next ten decades.