Filtering System #2

in the midst of every happy moment is the exact opposite, that fantastic piece of black that glows vibrantly no matter how much times you beat it into the dirt, in every bit of wonder there's a speck of doubt and in whatever emotion comes up to bat there's only question and only curiosity, some times it's completely lost and you doubt its presence every time you check for it, truth is that it's just hidden and you've completely forgotten its hiding place, love is only relative and anything and everything can come along and fuck it up and down, any kind of condition or feeling of content cannot be constant and permanent, everything on earth is subject to constant change and the sad truth is that humanity is obsessed with trying to control it all, time is out of our grasp and we have no way to manipulate the rise and fall of our mother star, every person reaches out no matter how many times they've received a bit of whiplash in return and no matter how reclusive they may seem they're still desperately seeking the same kind of warmth and closure that all of us desire, it's an eternal struggle and things come along the way that disorient you and confuse you and throw you in an entirely different direction, whatever rises from the ground or falls out of the sky will have some outward effect on our surroundings and those effects will influence other things and the world keeps on turning, nothing is in our control and eventually we'll become so sadistically divided that we'll no longer have anything stopping us from firing at will, whenever we kill each other off completely is when the world itself will shake off the remains and start over, and it'll be like we were never even here.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I don't care what you say, George Carlin was right.

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