Don't Bother Reading This

Negative tones

From negative bells

Ringing off and on

Say hello to sunrise

Greeting day with a tear

Questioning fact

But in reality

We are little children

All we ever wanted

Was someone to play with

Someone to hold our hand

To chase away the monsters

But over time

Our gentle sides

They fade from us

And we stop crying

We pick ourselves up

Or we remain on the earth

Slowly withering

Watching the clouds pass

Becoming familiar

With the grass and dirt

And we die

We die one more time

Only to be thrown back

Into the pit of flames

Say hello from time to time

Because I love you

I've just forgotten how to show it

I'm so sorry

And I'll never forgive myself

Where are you?

I am here

You cannot be

Can you see me?

I'm scared of her

I'm scared of you

Of whatever is ahead

What has become of me

The once caring soul

So vicious and so cold

So apathetic

Why haven't you saved me?

What's your fucking name

I don't care anymore

I've learned my ways of escape

Through a plant or a screen

I will not force myself to bleed

To cough or to puke

I'm going to entertain and decay myself

Just for the fucking hell of it

So say hello

Hello to whom?

To the new me

I already hate you

And then again

Few seem to care

Because they're sympathetic

To a boy who's lost his way

And who can no longer tell

His rights from his wrongs

There he is again

Begging for one more chance

And there he goes again

One more mistake

Staring is so rude

Unless it is justified

Where have you been?

Hiding deep inside

Please come into the light

I have become blind

You've already said goodbye

So why is your hand on my shoulder?

Stop paying your debt

I should be dead

And there is no more to say

I am the kind of person

That feels nothing and gives nothing

You think I'm so complicated?

Try looking at my fucking picture

Sad eyes, blank expression

I am like a piece of paper

That was scribbled and thrown away

One more time for the cameras

What's my fucking name?

Why are you doing this?

Because I hate myself, and I miss you

You could have me back any time

I'm afraid of the changes that would ensue.

Hatred is defined by emotion

A cauldron called a soul

That holds your feelings so delicately

What happens when it shatters?

You die.

Or you simply

Fall apart.


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