A Jester's Love

He was born into the life of a jester. 
Humoring the crowd with his jokes. 
Entertaining and amazing them with his stories of knights, dragons, and even love. 
His favorite of stories to tell was the story of a Jester’s love. 
His first line always got the attention of the crowd. 
“A Jester’s love is not a funny one.” 
Then he would begin to tell of a beautiful girl. 

“She was an artist. 
Even God was astonished with her masterpieces. 
A Jester, left speechless by her beauty, fell in love with this girl. 
They became great friends. 
One day she said to him “I am in search of a prince, a charming one.” 
Well the Jester agreed to help her find her prince. 
Putting his feelings aside, he began on a long journey. 
Walking from village to village in search for her prince. 
Finally after years of searching, he found a prince that was charming. 
So the Jester rushed to the girl and said, “I have found him. 
I have found your charming prince.” 
So he brought before her the prince and introduced them. 
Disappointed she said, “This is not him.” 
The Jester, confused and frustrated said, 

“I do not understand. 
I have traveled as far as the land would take me. 
If he isn’t your prince then I am sorry but I can’t search anymore. 
I have sacrificed my feelings and tried to make you happy, but I have failed.
The only thing that I have left to give to you is a Jester’s love. 
A Jester’s love is this, I may not be your charming prince, 
but I assure you will be treated as if you were a princess. 
You see I have fallen in love, my dear friend, and I wish to be with you.” 

The girl smiled and said, “Finally you have found my prince.” 
The Jester, still confused and frustrated, asked, “What do you mean, I have found nothing.”
Still smiling she says to him, 

“You have been the charming prince all along. 
I have been waiting for you to figure it out for a long time.” 

As the Jester finishes the story he looks out to the crowd. 
Smiling he takes his wife’s hand and says “I dedicate this to my princess.