Meeting Someone new

As we grow older it seems we fall in love with our tragedies of the past, we're crazy in our own little ways,
we're both broken but we fit together just right.
You know, I saw the blackness sweep me inside your eyes
I saw our blackend hearts eclipse over the tired and starving hearts in this world. I may have cought you with a sinister smile, so forgive me if i seem a bit
cautions when quistioning your intentions but i always seem to fall for liars eyes, ur smile seems vague and a bit unsetteling, strange i keep finding comfort in it. I must say iv grown to cold to feel, but our hearts seem to enjoy the cold, and i cant break the ice that our have formed together, im insane i swear iv just turned into the man who would rather just sit a watch the world burn, so here take a seat i brought it for you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just wrote this one, met a new girl and she just had her heart broken, and iv been there lol so just tried to capture that in here. Now its like 5am so sorry for any misspelling ;D

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