What now...

How could my blindness have been so great,

too great to have noticed...

She has gone.

But to where, she is lost, I have lost.

and now it's for good.

How could her pain have been so much,

How dare I have been so blind.

My sight was impared by work, I should

have paid more notice to her hidden lament!

Maybe then I could have seen it?

Or maybe this was down to my mistakes, maybe,

I was the cause, the demise of her

seemingly eternal flame!

And it was now, they tell me now, when time is

so much, when tim eis of the upmost importance,

when I am needed most. When I need her most.

Yet she is gone, no longer here by my side,

She is no longer here to light my nights,

and no longer can she brighten my days!

But a job is a job, no matter if I can

focus my mind, I must try...

This is a job of the highest importance,

so how shall I focus, for I must...

Even now, without her, she is still with me.

I mustn't move thought from job to love,

but I miss her.

I'm lost, in confusion,

I've lost, and she is no more.

Yet, for today, I shall do what I must.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is something, that is actually about a different thing than what i relate it to at the moment.
It was written in a scriptwriting lesson, and is a soliloquy about a guy who has a job to do, and then gets told that his partner of 10years has committed suicide.
i relate it to something much less, time wise, and event wise!

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