A flower grows from birth to death.
a trial that comes from life at its best.
a gunshot stops life in one foul blast.
an imprint left thats meant to last.
a game is something made by the mind.
secrets hidden for you to find.
where games are fiction, facts shall hurt.
for when you die you turn to dirt.
but as you story turns a page,
a baby shows dawn of a new age.
age and fatigue soon to kick in.
bodies are buried like waste in each bin.
a mental image kept from death.
wasted small talk steals your breath.
our lives are short and full of pain.
and when we're dead, there's no 'again'.
theres no tomorrow, no today.
and nothing left thats made to stay.
juwst the memories from your past.
an imprint that shall always last.
so as a person dies each day.
dont waste your time on useless play.
for soon your story will be on its last page.
and it will be time to dawn the new age!