

Our lives are just like a sculpture, each litte chip can change the way we turn out drasticly!

One wrong move and you can end up worse for wear, end up with big problems!

I guess it's easier to damage a sculpture isn't it?

No it's not!

Sculptures are my metaphor of life, my way of describing how things can sculpt our final statue, can paint our final picture!

We are just like a sculpture, both are fragile, easy to knock down into nothing!

A life is easy to take! A sculpture is easy to break!

Both when destroyed cannot be remade, cannot be brought back at all! They can be replaced, but not forgotten, and not ever will one that gets destroyed have an equal to follow it!

Nothing can change when it is gone, life is too precious to take, and each mark stays with time, just as each mark on a sculpture will stay with it forever!

When someone scars you mentally, it is the same as a sculpture becoming damaged.

It leaves it's mark for life, and that is something we cannot change.

Life is special, it is something we get only one of, and something we must treasure, cherish and try to look after!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I dont know, im confused myself!
Im feeling depressed though...

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