Brightest Stone

A Brighter Stone 

by : Jeric Cabrales Hernandez


A beam of light

as seen by the eye
struck to me

hit my heart


Hoping that light

was for me
alas, it was not
it went right through me


I went on-wards
to where the light was
I saw a diamond
prettier than a star


The stone was beautiful
and bright as a star
much like the heavens above
made it against darkness


I tried to take it
but won't let me in
there's like a force-field
around to protect it


Most idiotic thing
that I did
I gave up
on taking the stone


I followed it's light
to where it landed
I saw the point
to where it had stopped


I was not surprised 
to what I saw
I knew it all the time
I just didn't believe


I found a surface
a mirror like one
hard as stone
and perhaps the smoothest one


But what bothers me
is that mirror
has my reflection
yet light has none


To my conclusion
I figured that
the stone was for someone
similar to me


But why not me ?
why not pick the real
instead of looking
for a copy


Am I not good enough ?
Is it looking for
something more than
what I have ?


I stand between
the mirror and the light
nothing happened
not a single sight


Again I gave up
this time on the mirror
I can't accept that
I'm not enough


I walked back
to where I was
looking down
darkness and dull


A shadow I saw
whilst looking down
when there's a shadow
there is light


I gaze upon
looking up beyond
then I was blinded
by a super bright light


This time it was shining
direct to where I stood
To where I was
and to where I am


I look down and see
the darkness no more
the dull begone
and a new hope from beyond


I for this time
tried to reach that light
this time not giving up
and not backing down


Then came a force
lifting me upwards
slowly and gently
to reach that bright


I reached the top
there I found a similar stone
but this one is better
and only this time it was mine.

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