Pack Away My Guitar & Take The Train Home

April 2013

It's all the same, ain't it?

all the faces remain unchanged in each paintin,

only the names change, same each way,

either or, we're still just wasting away,


each new place is the same as the old,

strum a warm chord sung, faces are still cold,

looking for you in the crowd, i'm all alone,

sadly pack away my guitar and take my train ride home,


to a room where i'll write, not sleep,

maybe one or two days a week my dreams get to creep,

nightmares pile up in Heaps, old faces are the new craze,

the new faces i meet always go their seperate ways,


most times my clocks irrelevant, no need to think,

i can tell the days by the amount i drink,

the day never lasts long, it seems in a blink,

night comes to haunt me and force me to think.

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