The Right Timing

April 2013

I know she'll be loved, i can only hope it's me,

cause all i've dreamt about is we,

mostly she, but some nights it's all her,

i wake up warm like i slept under piles of fur,


she will be loved and she told me she thinks,

i feel like i hear a drip from a million sinks,

i still feel the butterflies, i couldn't catch them

then set them free in the world, i hatched them


from caterpillars and for me too soon,

she broke free from her cacoon,

under many moons i have been rhyming,

secretly wishing for the right timing,


cause that's all it's about, hush,

you're no drug and i'll never again rush,

i care and feel for you too much, i should try,

just please never again try so hard to not say goodbye.

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