It Was I Who Paved & Slaved

April 2013

I still remember and feel our worth,

which is why i can handle this back-and-forth,

even if my weakness is my desire to pour,

doesn't mean i'm too drunk to feel this tug of war,


why worry? it was you who hurt and still,

me hurting you still is something i never will,

hasn't even been thought of, no hate trial,

there's no time in between thinking of us and your smile,


although your memory lives on, drunk and sober,

i'm not sure we'll ever be able to start over,

so why can't we continue on this road we paved?

under the hot sun it was i who paved and slaved,


drank a few and i'm still sober to

tell you that there will be no getting over you,

as much as i've wanted to and tried,

i still woke up and wished to see you by my side.

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