So Easily You Slipped Out

January 2013

My life makes me want to run even though,

i know there is no where to go,

i'm far from perfect but i have learned,

it's about what's ahead, not what's earned,


all the confusion, bloodshed gettin ready,

her words cut deep like a sharpened machete,

they lay heavy in my stomach like too much spaghetti,

but stay unspoken of just like Yeti,


if i become famous and my music happens to reach ya,

then you'll learn your lesson, maybe it'll teach ya,

that i haven't been this lost and confused since back

in the day when i was counting nights in my sack,


the fact that so easily you could feel,

that you could slip out on a banana peel,

makes me momentarily feel i reached too far,

i'm more likely to get a coment then a star.

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