I Expected More

December 2012

No more holdin me back,

and definitely no more mental attacks,

i feel that, all you used to say to me,

now is only radiation that goes straight through me,


with no thoughts of what it might do to me,

you said we fell out of love, just sue me,

take me out back and shoot me, it's over,

i can't remember 24 hours ever staying straight sober,


unless it's an October 14 months ago,

you claimed a coup de tat, then took me below,

the words you told me when we were having sex,

made me strive for whatever happens next,


wasn't about the sex, only about the feeling,

like catching your first big fish, quick reeling,

if only i was dealing with loneliness instead of rejection,

maybe i wouldn't put my life under inspection.

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