Shaking Up My Life

November 2012

City that never sleeps now slumbers dark,

still the kids run off to the park,

one day the powers on, next it's gone,

still the guitar plays out its song,


i was only trying to get ahead,

sometimes i lose touch, emote the undead,

i was only trying to be the happiest i could,

it's a shame that feeling is gone for good,


living in a snowglobe, she's outside looking in,

shaking up my life, snowglobing new ones she's hooking in,

so used to not caring and pretending to be okay,

i actually woke up okay one day,


who would have thought we'd even go that far?

all the places visited by foor or by your car,

will always have a ghost of us when i return,

there will always still be one candle to burn.

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