More Stories To Tell

October 2012

I write just in case nothing else i do,

adds up to my notebooks nor is as true,

sure the memories eventually fade later,

so why not save them on a piece of paper?


never will i forget how good and how bad,

i had it in my life, nor my mom or my dad,

nor the sobbin or dale goblins,

robbin your heart and creatin more problems,


never let on you feel the way you do to any other,

only the pen and book can understand how much i loved her,

and her, and her, sure i have some more,

i refure to let life go by as i snore,


see the bores as nothing more, please,

let your mind judge what your two eyes see,

don't allow your heart full control, won't end well,

and you'll just end up with more stories to tell.

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