In Reality Really Worrying

July 2012

Long blunt roasting over a Bic lighter,
good bunt boasting, strength of a fighter,
high like a kite or, the moon in the night sky,
i'm hoping Just Engaging Nothing leads to me being the right guy,

you're in my sights fly, soon there'll be none,
except for only her, she'll be the surviving one,
unless it's for fun and when she returns,
all my good luck takes a bad turn,

the way she used to yearn, and look when kissing,
all stacks up to what i'll be missing,
no more fishing, running out of bait,
wasted most in the past, patiently await,

it'd be great if it's all the way it was,
seeing perfection understanding flaws,
maturing because i found a Rosetta Stone,
teaching me the language of not being alone.

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