You'll Lose Me This Year

June 2012

All this time i was wasting away to nothing,
visioning illusions, making one little weekend into something,
all the blushing, touching, cussing and pushing,
laying so comfy on my chest like a cushion,

too much noise, percussion, this beat in my chest,
makes me replay the good and forget all the rest,
you know me best, or so i once thought,
figured you as honest, now you're caught,

cause you make a guy believe there is this
great thing like when you're drunk and take a piss,
now our emotions are the Wiz, hiding, no longer here,
i've lost you somehow, and you're losing me, i fear

that sometime this year we'll stop talking,
all i'll have is the memory of us walking,
all around the Dale, up and down the Pier,
i fear my dear you'll lose me this year.

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