
May 2012

You, with your words like silk but texts like daggers,
love like Houdini and moves like Mick Jagger,
you, with your looks like Blue Steel and company that matters,
nasty pitches that attract then strike out batters,

you, with your calls so random and eyes like a bed of nails,
always know the right way (weigh) like a scale,
you, with your lips like Taylor and heart so Swift,
every time you ring me is an early X-mas gift,

you, with your other guys like a teen girl,
love like a pearl and humor like My Name is Earl,
you, with my memories like rewinders and pictures as reminders,
break up all my doubt, just like grinders,

you, with your words like kisses and texts like Kate Upton,
your attitude that makes love look like nothin,
you, with your looks like dunks and body like blankets,
memories that always taste right like Angus.

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