W hen the lights go out, dreams take away
E very pain that you endured through out the day,
R eality daily decides to slap me in the face,
E very pain inside my brain keeping the pace,
J ustice from faith, resurrection from patience,
U nderstand what i was withstand isn't mistaken,
S urely you're face is the one to make this,
T hing called love i feel never feel fake and,
A nother thing that makes what i feel,
M akes what i owe, you are somehow real,
I s this real life? or am i in a dream?
S eems that i woke up on a whole nother team,
T his thing called loved i see in your texts,
A nd sometimes even between your sexts,
K ath can't we once again hold each others breath,
E very night i dream of what should happen next.