Speak the Words I Feel For You Though my Hand

April 2012

How can you expect me to always get what you want,
while you're here wearing leggings beginning to taunt,
you already haunt my thoughts, want more?
i still feel the same way i did before,

back when i could put my arm over you,
not buzzed and i was surprisingly sober too,
sure it only lasted about 2 weeks, i can't tell,
you that this moment here right now is hell,

thought i could be saved from Massa but you,
refuse to again hold me enough to,
let me know there's a reason to stay in the city,
right here in my arms i'd have an angel, so pretty,

that sure sounds shitty cause i never can,
speak the words i feel for you through my hand,
so i just keep you hidden, secretly initialed,
give up my heart, allow it to be shriveled.

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