I'd Do Anything to Hear You Say You Need Me

February 2012

How do i always end up the one left waiting,
been way too frustrating that always,
i stay to the same type in dating.

How did we end up like this? at our end,
i thought at least the daily hey you'd send,
isn't that being a friend?

Can't give in and seem too needy,
even though in your company you can be needy,
i'd do anything to hear you say you need me.

Let's not let what we have fall under the couch,
at night i'd hold you safe like a baby roo in a pouch,
even take care of you when you sicken to a grouch.

Maybe that last day gave away more how i felt,
just because i thought i knew the cards to be dealt,
now i just suffer with the neck welt.

Just know you are the antidote that got me by,
this time please don't let another leave me high and dry,
cause my chasing limit is very nearby.

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