A girl is only different than every other for a,
short amount of time so for her pour a,
shot of a good night and never ignore her,
tell her she's beautiful, tell her you adore her,
then she'll always know when she needs a smile,
she can come be in your arms for a little while,
wear her proudly like she is the newest style,
leave all your luggage in the corner in a pile,
now i'm in a situation that is mighty sticky,
go for one who "likes me" or the one that gave me a hickey,
pretty sure i was dreaming should've had her kick me,
in my wildest dreams she decided to pick me,
i make you pancakes with love, you know you're special,
beautiful back color a few shades darker than eggshell,
if i'm in the basement you're on a much higher level,
if it weren't for past "angels" i wouldn't want a devil.