By A Margin

October 2011

Kabobs feel more shish since we went to the city,
And never have i met a girl who looked so pretty,
Take away my normal hatred for the female committee,
Hack away at my mental walls and make me want a biddy.

This must mean that if there wasn't such distance,
Another girl would tempt me with just her existence,
Kill my frown, all i need is your assistance,
Every time you smile it adds to my resistance.

Anything else takes a back seat as you ignite the engine,
Whatever happens just know that i was raised a christian,
And you ended up losing faith so now towards love i'm driven,
You must be the joke and surely we are kiddin.

Can't be that suddenly what i feared is what i desire,
Or could it be that i'm merely surviving down to the wire,
Least you could do is let my cash keep moving your tires,
Don't you realize i bought all your auctions? i'm all those buyers.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Kath Take Away Cold

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