For Now

September 2010

One glance is all it takes, lock with a pair of green beauty,
crystal ball lays shattered on my floor, nothing left to foresee,
warm fuzzy feeling rushes through my body,
pumped by my heart through my veins like the roots of a tree,
so much beauty and it may lay in the eyes of the person,
but if i had an elephant for every girl as beautiful as you I would have roughly 8 tons,
actions speak louder than words, yet your words seem to scream,
life is put on hold when in your company and every moment is happier than I seem,
there must be an elephant in the room since I can't stop thinking about just spending more time with you,
even if we can never be labeled like groceries at least know I know what I have been feeling is true,
anyone else could give you possessions but I can promise you a good time,
we will never be held down, and for now that is perfectly fine.

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