I might not know how to write my name
But where to put my X I know
Why force me now to change my mind
By the gun
By torture
By force
I know what I want and I have waited for long
My X is my deliverer
My X is my saviour
My X is my hope
Don’t take away my right
My right to put the X where I want
You can force the donkey to the river
But you know what, you will not force it to drink
My X to you has become so precious that you can kill me for it
You now say my X is my bullet
When I go hungry for days you don’t care
When I walk to work you are not there
When I stand in queues for long hours you are not there
When I go to the clinic and I’m told there are no doctors, and no medicine
You are not there.
You only want me near you now because I know I have something that you want
My X
You have taken me for granted because when I try to voice my displeasure
You stuff your ears and pretend not to be there
Or in some cases arrested me and labeled me a traitor or enemy of the state
My X
My X
Set me free now.