I'm so incredibly tired
Of listening to your pathetic
Sob story.
Sixteen with a baby.
Because its father acts like a little boy.
You seem to really expect more from a seventeen year old.
So surprised that he doesn't live up
To your expectations.
You've become a hypocrite
In the first degree.
Singing Damnation
To people about
Everything you've already done
But mother is so proud
You've grown so mature
Laughing because you b*tch about never sleeping anymore.
What did you think
That parenthood was easy as pie?
That babies were angels from heaven
Never doing a thing that wasn't photogenic.
I'm sure you consider yourself an adult now.
Its why you're so angry that you're treated as anything but.
Well, let me tell you something, little sister.
Spread your knees all you want,
But adult you're not.
4:30 am
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