Roads and Forks

We've come to a point

A fork

however short the tines might be,

in a rutted road

that offers us few choices

Which we only need to come to

some sort of firm decision about

To continue traveling.

In an ambling Sunday stroll fashion

But, pity us,

Our fork is quickly becoming a rake

The tines numerous and blunted

To gather fallen leaves

So there are now a dozen out-comes

to choose from, some impaling leaves

Others blissfully ignorant of

Changed seasons and birds singing

winter songs

I am afraid of leaving the choice solely up to you

But more afraid of doing the choosing myself,


Growing only older in body

I've come to discover that

I'm not as smart as I thought I would be.

So its up to us.

Which paved way do we take?

Which bumpy, dusty road?

12:48 am

June 13, 2003

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