...a Mother
She walks by
All hips and careless glances.
Brilliant brown locks of hair falling over eyes
That seem to talk to heaven.
Curves devilishly subtle
So that you have to blink to take her all in.
Impossible to do at one glance
She licks her lips,
Shopping for minute rice,
Or Uncle Ben's,
In a million and one supermarkets.
Who would have thought something as tedious
As everyday chores could be sexy?
Her legs casually crossed at the ankles,
While she compares prices
And nickels and dimes
Spill from her pocketbook.
You bend to help her gather them up,
And she smiles a dazzling white smile,
Grateful for some help
On a Friday night,
While her car idles,
And her kids wait for dinner.
2:30 PM; 8-25-2002
...the Actress
Step out.
Toes painted racy; red.
Heel touches the asphalt
Gone soft in the sultry heat.
Her blond mane curling
Around a heart shaped face
She was drawn,
Gawking you watch..
Her thighs, sheathed in black;
Muscles rippling as she
Steps out.
She blinks feline green eyes
As the cameras pop and flash,
A Million pictures to go on everyday covers
Like Glamour magazine.
Black Versace clings to her
All thin, and lithe,
For attention.
She gives a little speech,
Thanking you; everyone
For their support,
Before waving vaguely,
Sashaying down the aisle,
Into comforting darkness,
Away from the prying eyes
of her adoring fans.
2:25 AM 8-28-02
...the Erin
Sylphite, long limbs
Tone taut with sinewy muscle
Fiery red curls a cascade
Rioting down her top-cream back
Sun baked with cinnamony freckles
She scales the live oak bough
cat-like and agile
Her short moss-like garment
Riding up her thighs
Laughter, soft as light, erupts
from her lips.
Breaking the camouflaged silence.
Eyes -- greener than the erin
Who created her -- turn toward you
Getting you all lost in them.
1:15 am 2-04-02
...a Raven
She is raven
Hair thick, black and glossy,
arrow straight down her back
She keeps time in conquests,
Marking the calendar in seduction
And in the hunt.
Eventually, always, in the win
-- Opposite the pray --
To her husky, whiskey culled voice;
Erotic tinged words and gestures.
She is serene in the solitude
That she has created for herself
Through flirtations and love affairs
Coating her person in a slip-case
of polish and sophistication.
That she wasn't aware existed,
growing up; grubby and in pig-tails
Happy and wild in a floursack dress.
Both kind and careless
Child exuding from everything breath.
Now she is grown
With an expensive collection of
dustcatchers and pairs of thirty-five hundred
dollar Italian shoes.
Reckless with the pleasures of skin
grating sweaty skin
So far away from the girl
And the happiness there.
1:27 am 2-18-04
...a Debutante
Spider-wrapped in raw silk
Champagne colored and smelling of
Tangerine with a vague, subtle whisper of ginger.
She sits, sipping a white wine.
A few hundred dollar vintage,
bought and paid for by one not her own
Her demeanor is regal;
She sits upright, shoulders femininely rounded;
Masculinely squared.
Her dark, sleek hair pulled up
Twisted tight leaving her ebon face in striking profile.
With half an ear she listens
To polished voices of the upper echelon
Chit and laugh.
To occasional warm praise of her success; her party.
Congratulatory gossips frequent her presence,
one of honor,
to wish her luck
with her marriage
to her fortune,
good breeding
and happiness.
As the wife of someone of standing
and greatness.
Her heart thunders in her chest --
Is it fear, excitement, expectation? --
Leaving her feeling
Somewhat weak and dizzy
She offers polite, sunny,
but unapproachable "thank you's"
Her thoughts else-where
On the man who, even now,
Commits adultery in
the pretty powder room she decorated;
On the dainty chaise she chose in hope.
2-25-04; 7:45 pm