Time To Let Go - July 28, 2001

why did i waste a year with you?

why did ever i think i was in love with you?

i feel like you used me,

but for what?

i just here here feeling confused...

i hurt still,

but somehow the love died.

i think i hate you,

i want to hate you,

i want to scream at you,

make you suffer like i did,

i want to say mean words to you,

i want you to cry.

do you have any idea how bad you hurt me?

you dont even seem to care,

nor did you ever,

but for some reason it doesnt matter.

you can think you'll find some one else who'll love you like i did,

but dont come crying back to me when they leave you,

coz i'll be moving on.

you'll be nothing but a memory,

i'm telling you, i've had enough.

the game is over,

i thought you loved me,

and you had me fooled,

but it's time to move on.

sorry joe, i'm letting go.

i loved you for a while,

you're not worth it anymore.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just one of the many poems of me trying to get over my first love.

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