Everything about you feels so right
When I'm with you time stands still
When you run your fingers over my skin
I feel alive for the first time in a long time
I begin to shutter with the slightest touch from you
Your kiss makes me weak
Looking at you all I can see is how wonderful you are to me
I would never ask you to change I love you just the way you are
I love how your smile is so contagious
Being sad around you is never an option, you always have me smiling
I love how naturally conversation comes with you
Never seaching for words to fill an awkward silence
I love how we can just lay around and sing together
Letting the music just take us away to another place
I love when our late night conversations get really deep
Letting you see a part of me no one else knows
There are so many things that make me fall for you every day
Those are just a few of my favorite things about you
I cherish every moment I've been given with you
Sometimes it's hard for me to tell you these things
I'm afraid I might lose you because of them
I couldn't picture my life without you in it somehow
I only want to see you happy rather that's with me or not
I will always respect your feelings and decisions
Anytime you need me I will always be here for you
I can't ever stay angry at you
I just wanted you to know all the things I struggle to say out loud to you