I hear your words
I feel the sting
Of every insult
When you hurt me does it make you feel better?
You are no better than me
I am no better than you
My heart is pure
I seek only to bring peace and love to this world
To stop all those to debeautify the world
Bullying has been seen by this face
I know it all too well
I am the victum of it
I have experienced the pain of others words
I know what they can do
There are others out there like me, I know it
I put a voice to all the voiceless
You are not alone
Each and every person is beautiful in their own way
This world should work together
If there was only love and no hate
Think of the tomorrow we could accomplish together
My message is simple
Yet so hard to get across
There is no need for such hurt
The world could be a beautiful place
If we could share love and joy
Can you help to stop the spread of hatered?
Will you stand up against those who bully others?
Be the change you want to see in this world.
~ Persephone