Gwyl Pontsian

The two days were magical

In a fairy tale village

By the rivulet, deep in the valley

Where even the mobile signals get lost

That’s where they gathered

Amongst the marques,

Baskets of damsons, crab apples and cherries

The butterflies, the fairies

The sparrow men out of the pages of Hans Anderson and Disney

The air filled with their laughter

And the aroma of food spread gently with the breeze

The music descended from heaven

In the tent they sat

Faintly aglow with mellow lights

Purples, mauve and amber yellow

His fingers plucked on emotions deep

Tears flowed, pulses skipped

Spirits stirred

Mesmerized the time stood still

Gasped in awe

And the maestro played on

Ecstasy filled the soul

The drive home was long

And lonely



Author's Notes/Comments: 

(Dedicated to my dearest friends Allan, Barbara, Sion, and the organizing team, musicians, singers and artists and to Estas Tonne)

 In deep appreciation to the music festival at Pontsian. It was worth attending, one of the most friendly places, wonderful people, loving, kind, friendly. I will run out of adjectives here, but all in all a great event.

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