I look at my portfolio and think
It has no fancy research, audit to sync
With the desirables so badly needed
Even the essentials seem at places depleted
The publications are few and far between
Presentations also appear a bit lean
I will be competing against heavy odds
High profile candidates, portfolios like gods
Do I stand a chance I ask myself?
Nay says the mind, you belong on the shelf
Aye says my heart you must try
Unless you do you will never learn “why”
After all what does it take for a consultant to be?
Research, audit, publications or simply empathy
I realize they have their importance too
For short listings, getting a number and that is very true
But let me tell you what a surgeon is like
A leader, a manager, a realistic, all alike
A human with qualities humane
A selfless individual who alleviates pain
He who commands respect for his words and deeds
Than for the post he now leads
He who is loved by one and all
Punctual, decision maker, an artist who stands tall
For his work, than the research he did
Spent endless hours printing jargon which has slid
To an unknown cardboard grave and rests in peace
I look at my portfolio and my thoughts cease
I may have all the qualities outlined
But the black and white on papers is blind
Shehzad Latif 17/05/07