Leaving is not easy
But now it is time to go
Two and a half years of my life
How deep my associations, with you did grow
I leave behind friends, colleagues
And lovely people I came to know
I carry with me memories
From my heart, never will they go
I had my moments of highs and lows
Weathering on-calls, days of delight and nights of woes
Confidence like waves ebbed to and fro
A pat on the back made it overflow
Baker and Pye formed team upper GI
Laparoscopes, precision and a keen eye
Marsh and Billings were team colorectal
Takes with them would somehow settle
Vascular team with Da Silva, Kirkpatrick and Scriven
A league in their own, never smitten
Cochrane the lone ranger of the Breast team
A one-man band with his own theme
Bright ward and its staff synonymous to their name
Like a loving family, Excellence their main aim
Glyndwr, Fleming and Lister a blend of perfection
Humane, sympathetic, everyone treated with affection
Theatres, ITU and SHDU working around the clock
Always with a smile, supportive like a rock
I run out of words for “The Shooting Star
Nurses, staff, akin to angels, heavens at par
Doctors’ mess and Thelma’s chat
TV lounge or wherever you sat
Hustle and bustle of a unique kind
Such a friendly place I will never find
I will miss all these
And the long lonely corridors at night
As I made my way to Bonney or Paeds
To relieve a child or a young lass’ plight
We built a nest but now it is time to fly away
To distant shores but for you, I pray
Wrexham Maelor Hospital no matter how far I roam
You will always be my home away from home