

Past the windswept mountain ranges of the west Saharan islands

Deep down into clay earth imbued with sadness

There they lie with the Atlantic suns rays exuding

The fragrance of mountain blossoms rolling in waves

The sound of the thunder exists on the insides 

They try to hold it down but it’s fury will come crashing

They will look to the horoscopes and consult their karmic tropes 

Their search for truth will be obscured by the underworlds rage

They will never again gain wisdom from the earths pure fruit

It’s a curse, a conjuring of natures demons that I cast onto you

For those angels and demons would never betray a true disciple

Perhaps you never understood how closely I stood with them

No matter, as now your spirit has been sold to the next bidder

I’d say I was angry, mowed down with pain or driven insane 

But I’d be lying to let you believe your effects on me were grave

But a betrayal it is and was and I can see that your betrayals would follow

So rather than let you sleep sound you should know real truth

That is, that you have invoked natures graceful fury

It’ll never leave you now that you have cursed yourself with indiscretions

All of its waves and winds and lightning skies will follow thee

I pledge hurricanes and tsunamis and poisonous fruit of the earth

I invoke the spirits of man eating animals of the land and sea

There will be no hiding when destruction trickles down to you

Prayers and potions and meditations and yogic exercise will not help

For the spirits of this world and the beyond now stand behind me

They shall attack without order on you and your corrupt ways

I know you were blind to them before but I promise when they come you’ll see

I want you to know that their attacks come from the spell of my hand

Never again shall you sleep sound or be able to live freely

This curse is unwavering, strong and overpowering

I couldn’t even stop it if I changed my heart or mind

So rest tonight but know in your dreams that you’ll never rest easy again

As I drop the liquid spell in the fire its vapours send a signal to nature


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