In between my flow of tears
I spy some broken glass on the floor
All of a sudden a crazy idea
Flows through my head
I walk to pick it up and examine it
With my hands
I flip it over and over
Is it worth what I am about to do?
Then memories flash before my mind
And I become very weak
As I try to regain strength
I make up my mind
With my eyes I mark a spot on my wrist
My hands follow closely behind
I press the sharp edge upon my skin
And I remember all those times
They hurt me badly
I press down harder and move slowly
A sharp sensation goes through my body
But quickly seizes
I keep pulling it across my wrist
Harder and deeper
Blood escapes my body
It moves ever so slowly
Down my arm
And collects itself
My tears are dropping like raindrops
In a storm~ never ceasing
Then all of a sudden
With a quick glance
I notice my blood and tears
Fall at the same time
As they hit the ground
My blood devours my tears
And spread around
A smile comes to my face
A crazier idea escapes my head
I look back at my wrist
And make my decision
It is not deep enough
There is not enough blood
I cut even deeper with my next slash
It feels so good
As my cool blood flows from my body
Through my adrenaline rush
I can’t feel a thing
So I do it again and again
The blood is exploding
Throughout my body
Wow I think this is cool
Why didn’t I think of this before
All of a sudden the blood flows quicker
There is no way to stop this
I must have cut too deeply
I apply pressure
But the blood keeps pouring
It won’t stop
It keeps coming
I am sorry
I get so faint
I drop to the ground
My head hurts
Like a hammer is beating me
It wasn’t worth it
There were better ways
Something else could have fixed it
But it is too late now
I am long gone now
But even though I am not here
The blood is flowing
But not for long
It eventually stops
If I could turn back time
I surely would
Because my actions weren’t worth it