Daddy, I drew you a picture,
I colored it, red, pink and blue.
These are my favorite colors,
I picked them just for you.
Please, will you tie my shoes,
So I won’t trip and fall.
Will you zip my coat?
Now come on, can we play ball?
Show me to ride a bike,
Hold my hand while I roller skate.
Please, just show me that you care,
I don’t want to learn to hate.
Daddy, I sit by the door,
And listen as the cars go by.
Everyone I think is you,
I get excited, then I cry.
Believe me, I am sorry,
I didn’t mean to make you mad.
Please come home, I promise you,
I’ll be good, I won’t be bad.
I told you, I’d pick up the toys,
I’ll even clean my room.
I’ll do anything you ask of me,
I’m crying out, please come home soon!
Where have you been, Daddy?
You are always the one I ask for.
Why don’t you write or call me?
Don’t you love me anymore?
Don’t you want me? Don’t you miss me?
Don’t you love me anymore?
From my heart, I’m begging you,
Love me, your child, once more.
Father, I am older,
And times just aren’t the same.
I’ve held this guilt all through the years,
I hope you are ashamed.
I feel emptiness within myself,
I’ve repressed it for many years.
I’ve camouflaged pain with anger,
Withdrawing in a river full of tears.
I hope your life’s been memorable,
Living obligation free.
One question will help my soul to heal,
Daddy, WHY did you sacrifice me?