Wander the soul, steals the mind.

I spoke with you and felt a hope. One I should long not to feel. You entranced me again and I came near to taking to heart your words. The story changed again and I could have slipped back, your twisted tongue near slayed me, yet one more time. I do not believe you, now with time to yourself what will you allow yourself, with no regret will you embrace life wicked? I think you will, and sad soul will you bed this night, will he too learn your sting? I have confessed my love to you so many times, a love you abused and shattered and cast aside as worthless. I will long for the small good in you for a thousand eternities, l love you still as none other has ever loved you, this shall not fade if cast under a shadow thrown from darkness. And the shadow of pain cast upon me, glows from your black heart. Come her not, allow me this ill lonely peace.

A. Snow