Driven by my insanity to break beyond this devastating relapse of time
Who holds the the strings to my being
Am I just a man
Just a vast ball of electrons and uncontrollable emotions guided by my want to be wanted
Am I a piece of this ever changing ever molding puzzle of existence
Or am I the puzzle its self
Are the demons inside me the reason for my torments
Or are they just a reenactment of my bleeding scars
How do I understand whats real when its all just somebodys perception
I walk in these shoes trying to learn my footing
But the landscapes are forever changing
The questions are always asking and the answers are never answered
My dreams are my reality when I am sleeping
Is love my souls ever needing desire to never be without you
Or a chemical release to cause me to want you
Are these translations just that in there selves
Questions thrown against questions till we create the evolving answers
The want to understand evades me
For the knowing seems more a tragedy then the salvation of answers