Ode to Beer

Disclaimer. This was intended to be a joke. Please direct all comments to Facebook.. or Google, if that makes you feel more tech savy.
I am not feeling creative at the moment. I've drank five or six beers, and that tends to make me very apathetic, even lazy. There are many noble, original thoughts swirling around in this head of mine, but they are far too powerful and meaningful to be seen very clearly while sober. No, in order for one to coax them out, one must be at least slightly inebriated - that way the thoughts aren't frightened by the razor sharp point of a well maintained, prodigious mind. It is, or should be, common knowledge that things of such vast portent  be carefully cultivated - that is to say, they sprout best when watered with liquid courage. I hope my point is not lost.. Still, as I have already stated, I approach the singular problem of perfect expression with the aptitude of an only slightly successful alcoholic. Friends, do not mistake my brief forrays into sobriety a thing born of betrayal, or even neglect. Every good man strays once in a while, and nobody can stay drunk forever. A few of us have tried, and although our successes may have warranted a gossip or two, all that was really accomplished died away when the booze ran out. Whatever courage, whatever humor inhabits us while we drink, it is only as fleeting as the time it takes us to piss it away, and then we are left with the debt, be it a wicked pounding in the head, or a hangover. I believe every person chooses to see themselves through a tarnished reflection, be it genuine honest reflection, or the antagonistic, paranoid view of the unhinged. The reality we impose on our own lives is not a rigid, static thing, but one that is ever changing, one that adapts itself to suit the multitude of circumstances and scenarios we are forced into, desperately trying to impose some semblence of order and justice on a world that only grudgingly accepts our existence. To drink is not to escape, or the relief of pain, it is an attempt to live life in the moment, in the realization that the past never happened, and the future is not yet here....
Author's Notes/Comments: 

no idea.. i was working at walmart stocking shelves overnight & write this after I got off a shift & drank a lot of Red Stripe

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