And yet why

book 15

there was a day

     when I did fly

over patchwork fields

     in cloudless sky


and I did marvel

     and wonder then

what I did seek

     Within the sky


on open road

     I did race

with roaring engine

     to someplace


past farmers’ fields

     over mountain’s high

stopping not

     just traveling by


and now I sit

     in dark of night

in the endless thoughts

     and I wonder why


so many things

     and places a far

endeavoring have I

     yet but why


as I reflect

     and within my thoughts

seek to un-pick

     the tapestry


what did I seek

     or simply flee

what was the meanings

     was there a reason why


as dawn breaks

     as through window I gaze

and people race by

     into another day


what purpose have they

     unto what do they go

do their lives have meaning

     or just simply be


is just today

     just another day

where I do wonder

     and wonder why


where would I go

     and what would I seek

will I find meaning

     or simply be


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